
Welcome to the MGCC Vic Concours web page.

The Concours Committee have established this web page to help all our club members to keep up to date with our club’s Annual Concours d’Elegance.

Check out the ‘Download Box’ for all the latest information for the coming year’s event, and also see the latest version of the Concours Manual.
This Manual will tell you everything you need to know about the Concours, whether you want to be a competitor, a judge, or simply someone who comes to enjoy the social elements of the day.  It also has an Originality section on your Model MG, for those with the passion to maintain your MG with its Original features and enter the ‘Open’ Concours Event, judged on Originality and Condition.

It is a great day out, the biggest on our calendar. No other event attracts as many MGs, sometimes in excess of 200 cars.
Bring your partner, family and friends and enjoy the friendship of our great club. It is truly an enjoyable day out.

The MGCC Concours Committee

  • Max Irvine - Chairman
  • Geoff Fowles - Secretary
  • Terry Sheppard - A Register & Concours Manual
  • Matthew Magilton - Chief Judge
  • Ross Wilson - B Register
  • Neil Williams - B Register
  • Ian Nelson - Restorers Register
  • Peter Varley - C&V8 Register